I also made some apparel purchases as well. I had finally given up on the old Speedo Bikini trunks when I started back and moved to the square-leg style suits. My trusty green mesh have seen me through many laps and still has held on to its color, but I made the splash to a pair of jammers (think bicycle shorts for swimmers). Actually two pairs. The main one that I will be using is made by Dolphin and has a special chlorine blocking material to help it hold up to the chemicals I jump into three to four times weekly. I also picked up a suit by Speedo that will be used for competitions - not a tech suit but also not made from polyester like the Dolphin.
The coolest thing that I got was the pair of goggles below. I have two pairs that work fine, but since I do not have my glasses on in the water I am practically blind! I am always asking for the workout details or what time on the clock we need to leave for the next set. I have tossed the idea around of getting a pair from the local glasses shop, but the cost is over $100 for individualized glasses. It just so happened that I came across these need specs from Kiefer that allow me to see again! They cost under $20, and you have to get the same strength on both sides - although me left eye is a bit worse than my right, the -4.5 diopter pair allows me to see again in the water! I can now look at the workout board for the next set without disturbing my lane mates, and stun them by leaving on the correct intervals!
The one downside that I am getting used to is the fact that I see a little too well when I approach the wall for flip turns. The last 2-3 yards get blurry so I have been working to time my turns better. I am still deciding if I will use the optical goggles in meets or just for practices. I used the "mint madness" goggles my twiny Jillsey gifted to me a few years ago - I will try out the possibilities when I swim again in the middle of February. Other than that, I can now mean it when I say I will see you at the pool soon!
So I used the optical goggles during competition in Frammingham, MA, on 2/19/11 with great success! A little tightening and I was fine. I notice that the anti-fog does not work super great, but by dipping them into the water I can overcome this deficiency.