Hello, GHO Team –
The time has arrived! In a few days we will be seeing each other in Managua. Just a few last minute reminders before we go. But first, here are the weekly prayer reminders….
Prayer items for the week of May 10th-May 14th:
· Please keep praying for Rolando and our National team in Nicaragua. They are a vital link in our ministry there, and it is most important that we pray for strength and encouragement for them right now.
· Pray that all the traveling will go smoothly (for some the trip starts in about 48 hours, on Friday afternoon).
· Pray for Mark Davis and Ron Brown, who will be preaching in our two church services on Sunday and Wednesday nights.
· Thanks for sending in your blurb – I think we have heard from just about everyone, and it’s been great to get to know you better before the trip.
· For our trip this year, please forward the following link to all of your friends and prayer team members: http://may2011ghonic.blogspot.com/
(I am still setting some of the parameters up, but I think you can get a sense of how it will look – please be sure not to forward the “april2010” link)
· Again, we are still short children’s and adults vitamins; if you can bring any of either in your suitcases I am sure we can use them.