Friday, May 13, 2011

GHO May 2011 Trip Prep #5

Hello, GHO Team –

The time has arrived!  In a few days we will be seeing each other in Managua.  Just a few last minute reminders before we go.  But first, here are the weekly prayer reminders….

Prayer items for the week of May 10th-May 14th:

·         Please keep praying for Rolando and our National team in Nicaragua.  They are a vital link in our ministry there, and it is most important that we pray for strength and encouragement for them right now.
·         Pray that all the traveling will go smoothly (for some the trip starts in about 48 hours, on Friday afternoon).
·         Pray for Mark Davis and Ron Brown, who will be preaching in our two church services on Sunday and Wednesday nights.

·        Thanks for sending in your blurb – I think we have heard from just about everyone, and it’s been great to get to know you better before the trip.

·       For our trip this year, please forward the following link to all of your friends and prayer team members:
(I am still setting some of the parameters up, but I think you can get a sense of how it will look – please be sure not to forward the “april2010” link)

·        Again, we are still short children’s and adults vitamins; if you can bring any of either in your suitcases I am sure we can use them.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

GHO May 2011 Trip Prep #4

Hello, GHO Team –

Just 11 more days!  I hope you are as excited as I am about what lies ahead.  This week’s note is directed toward practical matters and getting to know each other a little better.  But first, here are the….

Prayer items for the week of May 3rd-May 9th:

·         Continue to pray for Rolando and the final detailed planning he is doing for our trip.  I know he would really appreciate your prayers right now.
·         Pray that the Lord will make His way straight before us (Psalm 5:8).
·         Pray that each team member will know exactly what to say to each person they interact with on the trip (Col 4:4-6).
·         Pray for those on the team still collecting the remaining funding needed for the trip.

·        Now is a good time to locate your passport, have your travel itinerary with it ( review it) , and make sure your loved ones have the phone numbers of how you can be reached.  These phone #'s are on the back of your name tag (in your soon to come care package).

·        Here are a few optional things to consider bringing along, they may not have been included in the packing checklist previously sent (thought be sure to review that list when you pack):
o   Single serving drink mix packets, that you can add to drinking water bottles that you will be given each day.
o   A small gift or two for someone special you get to know during the trip (a translator, local pastor, local church worker, etc.)  Do know that the Kingsport and Raleigh groups and Kitty Davis will be bringing small gifts for the pastors, translators, and Nicaraguan staff, to be able to efficiently (and equally) recognize them.
o   Single dollar bills - a little bulky but much easier to use at the market, souvenir shops.
o   Some fun things for the kids you will encounter - ""blow" bubbles and wands, Nerf balls or Frisbees, balloons (especially those you can form into shapes), coloring books/crayons (small packages), sugar free gum, (to be discretely handed out one stick at a time) or individually wrapped hard candy (again to be managed discretely to avoid creating chaos) - our dentist would prefer sugar free!
o   Photos of your family to show and give away.
o   If you have access to small Spanish testaments and can bring them, these are nice to give those you have opportunity to minister to in Nicaragua.
o   Several small bottles of antibacterial gel (be sure and pack in your suitcases).
o   A small "comfort food from home" item to save as a treat for during the trip (a favorite candy, snack, etc.).
o   A few empty plastic grocery bags (these often come in handy for all sorts of situations).